Sunday, September 8, 2013

The Day it All Starts

We had a pretty slow start to our school year this week. We're waiting for my neighbor to have her baby, and I have been keeping her toddler for them a lot during the week. It made schooling difficult, with a toddler that just wanted to run around and rip everything off of my shelves, while I was trying to teach. We wound up closing shop for that day. We schooled for one other day, and then were out of the house for a whole day. So this one will be short. I am hoping to get into a better routine in a couple of weeks. Even though it was a rough start, I'll share some pictures that I took.

 Echo: Age 4

 Charlie: Age 2.5

 Playing with moon sand. 

Our book of the week is 5 Little Ducks. So we had duck shaped cheese for snack. 

 Our growth project for the year. At the end of the year, I will make a print of their other hand. 
(Names covered)

 Hunting for red. He can now name the colors, red, orange and blue. :)

Making Grandparent's Day cards. :)

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